I can’t even begin to tell you how fantastically awesome Irish songstress Cathy Davey is. Unfortunately, not much of her stuff is available in America. Yet.
Work continues on getting this monster ready for C2E2. (“Monster” being a relative term for an 8-page story. )
The black and white coloring is going well. It’s interesting working with someone else’s art, particularly doing the lettering. As you might notice from my comic, I tend to focus on the words. Dialogue and letting the characters express themselves is real important to me. So I always letter everything first and then draw. Which is backwards, I know, but that’s how Ed Contradictory works. Having the art first and figuring out the lettering second is new. And sometimes frustrating.
Anyway, Richard Basey has a great take on Edgar and Mackenzie. I really like his take on them.
Also, good news, I think I’ll be able to get next week’s strip done while on vacation, so we hopefully won’t have three weeks of single strips and next Monday will have brand new Ed Contradictory. We’ll see. So, hooray, and all that.
Hope to see you at C2E2! Let me know if you’re going to be there!
We’ll be switching to once a week (Thursday) updates for the next three weeks. Sorry, but between finishing the mini-comic for C2E2, prepping for C2E2, and a vacation next week, I’m just swamped.
One of these days I’ll have a buffer again…
They never seem to last, though.